Thursday, July 31, 2008

Summertime Fun! - Newmarket Child Photographer

This week our house was full - the finished basement finally got put to good use! "A" had his grandparents, aunt, uncle & cousin from Winnipeg come out to visit and we had a great week! I've had a chance to take my camera out a lot more than usual this week so I thought I'd share just a few pics! "A" loves water - he spends hours everyday pouring water from one container to another and splashing in his pool - this week though we hooked up the sprinkler and he had a blast!

He ran head first into the sprinkler trying to drink the water at least 20 times - he couldn't care less how much water got up his nose - crazy kid!

My neice is just a chubby ball of cuteness and lucky for me she was here at one of my favourite baby ages to take photos!

All little girls need to have a tutu so Auntie Tiffany made her one - isn't she just the cutest!

One last photo because "A" just learned how to swing like a monkey this week on his playset - he's really becoming a little boy :-)

Thanks for looking - enjoy your long weekend everyone!

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